The Cottbus Barhopping

More than just a barhopping

Nimm am 16.05.2025 am CoBHo teil und lerne das Cottbuser Nachtleben kennen.
Ab 18 Uhr öffnet die Startlocation und ab 20 Uhr öffnen die Bars: Das Barhopping startet.

How it works

  1. You can get your ticket in advance (Studis 5€ / 6€, der Rest 7€/ 9€) oder an der Abendkasse (8€/ 10€).
  2. Ab 18 Uhr it's off to the first location the Startlocation (Forum), where you pick up your stamp card. You can buy your first drink directly for your first stamp.
  3. Jetzt erstmal chillen und das Angebot abchecken.
  4. From 8 pm the Bars are opened. From then on, you will receive your special CoBHo special in each of the 11 participating bars (including Muggefug, Lehmbau, Unbelehrbar and El Chico) and thus the additional stamps.
  5. The aim of the CoBHo is to get to know the different bars, therefore to collect at least 7 stamps . As a Cherry On Top, you take part in the Main prize draw part. Of course, it doesn't matter whether you have bought the alcoholic or non-alcoholic specials. The prices are e.g. a musicspeaker and a beerpongtable.

What participants say

"Anyone who can remember wasn't there."
Philipp K.
"This is going to be amazing heheheheheheh."
Sophie S.
"So there's alcohol? Then I'm in."
Alexander T.

Have we caught your attention?
Komm am 16.05.2025 um 18 Uhr beim BTU Forum vorbei und lerne das Cottbuser Barleben kennen.